Evaluation Procedures
- Parent enrolls child as a student with an IEP https://www.brownsburg.k12.in.us/Enrollment also upload or bring to school: copy of birth certificate, immunization record, proof of residency & custody papers, if applicable
- Permission to evaluate will be sent for you to sign and return at your earliest convenience
- Packet of information will be sent which needs to be completed by parent including Social & Developmental History, rating scales for therapist use, Medicaid form, etc.
- Paperwork can either be mailed to BECC, dropped off to the office, or emailed to the above address prior to the scheduled evaluation.
Evaluation Report
- An evaluation report will be sent a week prior to your child’s case conference
- Please ensure that an updated email address is provided in order to expedite getting the report sent your way
- The report summarizes the school’s observations and assessments made during the evaluation
- Will take place at BECC in a community classroom or as a walk in appointment
- This is based on student need and areas of concern
- Evaluation team could include any of the following members: teacher, speech therapist, occupational therapist, physical therapist and/or school therapist
- Evaluation will determine need for special education services
Please note: If your child is attending for a preschool session, a snack & drink will be provided for your child during the evaluation. Additional snacks or drinks are not necessary.
Case Conference
- Will take place at BECC in a conference room
- Will occur 2-3 weeks after your child’s evaluation
- Will give opportunity to discuss the evaluation report and overall findings
- Team will discuss if your child meets eligibility criteria as a child who requires special education services and what plans best fits their needs (see below)
- Your child and siblings are welcome to attend, but they are not required to be there
Service Options that will be Considered:
Direct Only Services
- Weekly appointments
- Direct therapy based on your child’s needs
- 1:1 or small group setting
Community Classroom Program
- General education setting
- Maximum class size of 18
- 1 licensed and 1 support staff
- Therapy services are integrated into classroom
- Activities are based on the Indiana Early Learning Foundations
- Curriculum includes Handwriting without Tears, Everyday Math and We Thinkers Social Emotional curriculum
- 5 half-days per week based on student need
- Classroom Program Hours: AM: 8:40-11:30
AM: 8:40-11:15 Wednesday
PM: 12:45-3:35
PM: 12:45-3:05 Wednesday
Developmental Preschool Program
- Class size 8-14 students
- 1 licensed & 1-2 support staff
- Therapy services are integrated and more intensive to address communication, fine motor, gross motor, and sensory concerns based on student need
- Activities are based on Indiana Early Learning Foundations and individual student goals
- 5 half-days per week