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Early Intervention Services

The Brownsburg Early Childhood Center provides early intervention to students who meet specific eligibility criteria for special education services per Indiana State Board of Education Special Education Rules Title 511 Article 7 Rules 32-49. Students may be referred to the Brownsburg Early Childhood Center through First Steps Early Intervention Services or by parent referral. If you have concerns about your child’s development, please do not hesitate to reach out to us to discuss whether an evaluation for special education services may be appropriate.

To start the evaluation process, you will need to complete both the Early Intervention Services Evaluation Request form and the Social/Development History form (links below).  Both forms need to be filled out before the evaluation process can officially start.

  • Complete and submit the Early Intervention Services Evaluation Request form:

early intervention services evaluation request Form

  • You also need to complete the Social and Developmental History form:

Social and Developmental History Form

After these two forms have been completed and submitted, the Transition Coordinator will follow up with you via phone or e-mail to discuss and schedule the evaluation.  There may be additional forms or rating scales that you are asked to complete.  These may be sent home in the mail or via email.

There are additional documents linked below that you may find helpful regarding the evaluation process. These documents can also be picked up in hard copy at the Brownsburg Early Childhood Center office located at 111 Eastern Avenue, Brownsburg, IN 46112. The office is open from 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM.

We are excited to get to know your child better and look forward to working with your family.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Brownsburg Early Childhood Center office at 317-852-1046.